Historical pictures and recordings of Potsdam

Experience the timeless beauty of Potsdam through fascinating historical photographs and panoramic tours. Discover the baroque palaces, modern architecture, and the rich history of this unique city. Immerse yourself in over 1000 years of history captured in images from the Federal Archives and digital reconstructions. Potsdam—a city that captivatingly blends past and present.

Potsdam Then and Now

We have compiled and provided several historical photographs of Potsdam for you. Additionally, we offer recommendations for further information such as books, films, and related links.

Recommendations on the Topic

Potsdam is defined by its historical heritage as the former residence and garrison city of the Kings of Prussia. This includes the world-famous baroque palaces and parks. However, modern influences have also left their mark on Potsdam. In recent years, particularly the GDR architecture has often succumbed to the wrecking ball. With around 50 delightful photo pairs, this illustrated book presents historical and current views of Potsdam before and after the reunification. This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in the history of Potsdam (Available on Amazon).

The oldest cinematic aerial footage of the city dates back to the Kaiser era. The earliest surviving Potsdam film is the “Spring Parade in Potsdam” from 1910. A small time travel through Potsdam in the 20th century begins with the footage presented in the book titled “Historische Filmschätze: Potsdam wiederentdeckt” (available on Amazon), showcasing film treasures from five decades, offering a unique journey through the architectural history of the city. The DVDs are packaged in high-quality DVD cases and include multi-page booklets with information on each historical film piece. Certainly exciting footage of Potsdam. A clear recommendation for Potsdam enthusiasts. These films are also available for purchase on Amazon.

Panorama Tour Potsdam 1850

The Panoramatour Potsdam 1850 provides truly intriguing impressions and is freely accessible on the internet. This digital reconstruction compares Potsdam in 1850 with images from 2012. Take advantage of this historical Potsdam city tour in 360° visualization to convince yourself of the beauty of Potsdam. This tour was initiated by Mitteschön!, an initiative of “Citizens for the Center” in Potsdam.

Historical Photographs of Potsdam

Here, you can find historical photographs of the city of Potsdam. Most of the images are sourced from the Federal Archives.